Régis Rizzo (FR)

Born 1967

“Nowadays, because of our technology, it is easy to capture, share, and display images, however there are not many possibilities to get an understandable current image of our world. I want my paintings to provide an answer to the modern paradox, and that is why I find feelings and emotions to be the most important when looking at something.   

I want to express the poetic potential of contemporary characters, which would most likely be their fragility. The figures in my paintings are either surrounded or covered by suggestive brushstrokes, expressive scratches, and translucent layers of colour showing just how easily they could disappear… Just like in Fellini’s film Rome, when the ancient frescoes found in the underground spaces are ruined by the polluted city air, right after we saw how beautiful they were…

Within my art I am very aware of the process of transforming the images so that they reveal something new, something that was not there before. I find myself in a dialogue with a film’s narrative figuration, but I always try to remain aware of my medium – painting. I could say, to explain it somewhat anecdotally, that my paintings are a very short film consisting only of one image, which is out of focus! In addition, there are not many clues about the actual narrative or an obvious meaning, and so the viewers can project their own stories into the picture, when they look at my work. They are like a dream scene that offers many different interpretations.”

Regis Rizzo, 2018


1989 – 1993
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (mural, painting and engraving)

1986 – 1989
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d’Art de Paris (mural painting)


Wintershow, GALLERI V58, DK

GALLERI V58, French Connections – Human, group exhibition, Aarhus, Denmark

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
GALLERI V58 pop up, Skagen, Danmark
NORTH art fair, Aalborg, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Jørgen Østergaard Gallery, Let’s get lost, solo exhibition, Ikast, Denmark

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Xun Art Gallery, solo exhibition, Beijing, China
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Jørgen Østergaard Gallery, solo exhibition, Crossing Ikast, Denmark
gEspace Pierre Cardin, California Dream,  Paris, France
Barclays, Regards croisés (Perspectives), Paris, France
Jørgen Østergaard Gallery, 25 Års Jubilæumsudstilling, Ikast, Denmark  

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
LasGalerie, solo exhibition, Au-delà des villes (Beyond the cities), Paris, France
Billund Kunstforening, solo exhibiton, Recent paintings, Denmark
Galerie Chaon, Villes de nuit (Cities at night), Granville, France
Galerie K021, Sleeping beauties,Paris, France

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Jørgen Østergaard Gallery, solo exhibition, Generic, Ikast, Denmark
Biennale de Belgrade, Refugees, Serbia,

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Catherine et André Hug, solo exhibition,  Le goût du voyage (The Taste of the Travelling) Paris, France

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Link gallery, Ghent, Belgium

Jørgen Østergaard Gallery, solo exhibition, Ikast, Denmark

Xavier Ronse Gallery, solo exhibition, La poursuite (The Pursuit), Belgium
Biennale d’Issy, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Mon Dieu, délivrez moi du modèle (My God, deliver me from the model), France

Galerie Catherine et André Hug, solo exhibition, La poursuite (The Pursuit), Paris, France
Xavier Ronse Gallery, solo exhibition, Mouscron, Belgium
Salon de Montrouge, Paris, France
Link gallery, As still as a picture, Ghent, Belgium

Galerie B, solo exhibition, La poursuite (The Pursuit), Nagoya, Japan

COLAS, solo exhibition, siège, Paris, France
Galerie Eric de Montbel, solo exhibition, Au départ (In the Beginning), Paris, France
Inselgalerie, solo exhibition, Wiesbaden, Germany

Galerie Jacob 1, solo exhibition, Génériques (Generics), Paris, France
Fondation COLAS, La route (The Road), Paris, France
Salon d’Angers
ArtParis Artfair, Represented by Galerie Jacob, L’embarquement (Embarkation), Paris, France

Galerie Jacob 1, solo exhibition, No photo Inside,  Paris, France

LasGalerie, Visions Urbaines (Urban Visions), Paris, France

Galerie Jacob 1, solo exhibition, Prismacolor 1, Paris, France
L’Artcothèque, solo exhibition, Granville, France
Salon de la Jeune Création, Paris, France
Salon d’Art Contemporain de Chelles, Prismacolor, Chelles, France

Paris 2002 Salon de la Jeune Création, Jeune Création,  Paris, France


Shi Jia Zhuang Museum, Passions Françaises (French Passions), China


Nagoya University of Arts, Japan

Invetro Symposium, Hannover, Germany

Fredericia, Denmark

Artforum Remisen Brande, Denmark

Artforum Remisen Brande, Denmark

‘Baigneuse bleue’ ( Blå badegæst), olie på lærred, 55 x 46, 2023, d.kr. 8.000,

‘A la proue du bateau’ (Ved bådens stævn), olie på lærred, 46 x 55, 2023, SOLGT

‘Deux baigneuses’ (To badende), olie på lærred, 46 x 55, 2023, SOLGT

‘Face au soleil’ (Mod solen), olie på lærred, 46 x 55, 2023, d.kr. 8.000,

‘Woman by the shore’, olie på lærred, 130 x 195, 2021, SOLGT

‘The hope’, olie på lærred, 81 x 100, 2021, d.kr. 19.000,-

‘Children by the shore’, olie på lærred, 40 x 60, 2021, SOLGT

‘Lueur rose’, Blyant, olie og resin på træ, 40 x 60, 2021, SOLGT

‘The midnight bath’, olie på lærred, 81 x 100, 2021, SOLGT

‘Near cape Lardier’, olie på lærred, 110 x 110, 2021, SOLGT

‘The Pier’, olie på lærred, 114 x 162, 2016, d.kr. 27.000,-

‘Summer rain’, olie på lærred, 110 x 110, 2017, SOLGT

‘Entre chien et loup’ , olie på lærred, 50 x 50, 2008, d.kr. 7.500,-

‘One way’, olie på lærred, 114 x 162, 2018, SOLGT

‘Love letter’, olie på lærred, 41 x 33, 2018, SOLGT

‘Ballons’, olie på lærred, 41 x 33, 2018, SOLGT

‘Urban Fragment (USA)’, olie på lærred, 89 x 116, 2016 SOLGT

‘A Secret’, olie på lærred, 54 x 65, 2015, SOLGT

‘Children on the Jetty’, olie på lærred, 130 x 195, 2016, SOLGT

‘High tides’, olie på lærred, 130 x 195, 2016, SOLGT

‘Three girls’, olie på lærred, 130 x 162, 2016, SOLGT