Malene Bjelke (DK)

Born 1965

Malene Bjelke works with the human’s life and state of mind expressed through the body. She seeks in the interaction between the figure and the surroundings to cover the human’s inner landscape where we recognizes ourselves. Malene is educated from the School of design in Denmark and has through the last 20 years besides her work with sculptures been working with scenography and costumes within theater. Malene founded and worked as artistic head of the theatre “Our Theater” from 2003 to 2008 with the aim to create performances based on the room. Since 2008 Malene Bjelke has had her workshop at Kronborg in one of the old barrack buildings. 

With her simple, uncomplicated human figures Malene Bjelke captures the thoughtfulness of the everyday. Her sculptures is like little thoughtful pauses which gives the viewer a peaceful mind and a wish to revisit or to own the work/works. Malene Bjelke makes archetypes on the human in every age both young and old. With materials like wax, plaster and bronze the artist shows how different the choice of material is expressed figuratively. And if you see the same figure in the three materials beside each other it is an eyeopener. Malene Bjelke of course also uses wax and plaster as “sketches” for casting her final bronze figures. It is sculptures in an abstract, natural simplicity where you don’t miss distinctive facial expressions given that the sculptures bodies sufficiently signals a state of mind.The figures isn’t smooth polished but has a living surface as Malene Bjelke has had a finger in every part of the surface. It is the human figure that interests Malene Bjelke which she expresses with a profound sympathetic insight in her small sophisticated works of art.”       

Art historian Bente Hammershøy


Denmarks Design School, ceramics and scenography

Founder and artistic head of the theatre Our Theater


“Wintershow” GALLERI V58, Aarhus, DK

Art Herning, Herning, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark

NORTH art fairAalborg, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
International Celebration of Contemporary Sculpture, group exhibition, Kronborg Castle, Helsingør, Denmark
Sculpture Biennale, Danish Sculptors Society, Dronninglund, Denmark

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Sofiero Castle, ‘Kunst på Kryds’, Helsingborg, Sweden
Galleri Orange, ‘Dialog’, Helsingør, Denmark
Helligåndshuset, K2 Dialoger, Copenhagen, Denmark

Munkeruphus, ‘Farver i November’, Dronningmølle, Denmark
Dutrupgård, Snekkersten, Denmark
Galleri X, ‘Skønne Skulpturer’, Rungsted, Denmark
SAK kunstbygning, K2 (gæsteudstiller), Svendborg, Denmark
Hammarlunda Kunststall, Sweden
Kronborg Slot, Easter exhibition, Helsingør, Denmark

Det Blå Galleri, Kronborg Slot, ‘Renæssance-inspiration’, Helsingør, Denmark
Københavns Rådhus, K2 (gæsteudstiller), Copenhagen, Denmark
Dronninglund Kunstcenter, Dronninglund, Denmark
Hillerød Bibliotek, BKF Nordsjælland, ‘Horisonter’, Hillerød, Denmark

Kedelhuset Gilleleje, ‘Mellem Linierne…’, Gilleleje, Denmark
Hillerød Bibliotek, BKF Nordsjælland, ‘Byer og Landskaber’, Hillerød, Denmark

Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg, Sweden


BKF – Billedkunstnernes Forbund
SDS – Sammenslutningen af Danske Scenografer
K2 – Københavnske Kunstnere
DBS – Dansk Billedhuggersamfund


5 small figures for Kähler. In stores fall 2018
The Ethel Award statue, SPOT-festival, Aarhus, Denmark
Bronzesculpture, Astrid Lindgren at Sophienborgskolen in Hillerød
Exhibition design for Renæssance-inspiration, Det Blå Galleri, Kronborg Slot
Four models, which is a part of the permanent exhibition at Kronborg. On the behalf of Slots- og Ejendomsstyrelsen
Slavecell at Kronborg.  On the behalf of Slots- og Ejendomsstyrelsen
Animationsfilm. Drømmebilleder. Stop-motion-film on the behalf of Slot- og Ejendomsstyrelsen
Various plaster- and bronzeportraits

‘Pige’ 1/6, Bronze på hvid sokkel, h. 33, 50.000,

‘Dreng’ 1/6, Bronze på hvid sokkel, h. 67, 54.000,

‘Pige’ 18, Bronze på hvid sokkel, h. 33, 50.000, ‘Dreng’ 18, Bronze på hvid sokkel, h. 67, 54.000,

‘Man ser dem komme ser dem gå’, 3/8, Bronze, h. 25 cm., SOLGT

‘Veninder’,18 Bronze, h. 28 cm., 2018, 22.000,

‘Kolossen på retræte’ 45, Bronze, h. 40 cm., 49.000,

‘…jeg sad og vented dig.’, 2/8, h. 24 cm., 2019, 18.000,-

‘Det var en lørdag aften ….’, 1/8, Bronze, h. 21 cm., 2019, 18.000,-

‘Dreng på hug’ 2/6, Bronze, h. 31., 2021, SOLGT

‘Paraplypigen’, Bronze, 4/20, h. 15.5, SOLGT

‘Lille Bedste’ 2/8, Bronze, h. 12,5., 2021, SOLGT

‘Pige på kasse’, 5/8, Bronce, h. 19 cm, SOLGT

‘Kvinde på kant’ 4/8, Bronze, h. 16., 2021, 9.800,-

‘Pige på knæ’, 4-8, bronze, h.10, SOLGT

‘Kvinde med barn’ bronze, h.17, 3/8, 11.000,-

‘På et brædt, stor’, Bronce, 3/3,h. 55cm, SOLGT

‘Liggende pige’, bronze, 1/1 L. 18, SOLGT

‘Kvinde på kant lll’, Bronce, h. 24 cm., 4/8, 9.800,-

‘Drengen fra Sanary’, bronze på træ sokkel, h. 38, 5/8, 11.000,-

‘Ung mand’, bronce, 4/5, h. 20, 2015, SOLGT

‘Siddende kvinde’, Bronce, h 15 cm., 5/8, SOLGT

‘Drengen fra Sanary II’, bronze, h. 60, 2/5, 2018, SOLGT

‘Hamlet’, bronce, 23/100, h.24, 2015, ‘Ophelia’, bronce, 29/100, h.13,5, 2015, pr. stk. 4.800,-

‘Dreng’, bronze på jern sokkel, h. 12, 7_8, SOLGT

‘På et bræt’, bronze, h. 28,5, 8/8, SOLGT

‘Mand på Strand’, bronze på træ sokkel, h. 30, 4/8, SOLGT

‘Ung mand på kant’, bronze,h. 20 , 1/1, 2018, SOLGT