Christophe Blanc (FR)

Born 1968

”It’s like a mapping of feelings, states of souls, ways of understanding life.”
Christophe Blanc

The artist Christophe Blanc describes the many facets of the human existence with his oil paintings. He is born in Colmar, France, and has studied architecture but decides to focus on painting. Today he is a significant profile in french contemporary art. 

The centre of Blancs paintings are the expressive characters. They find themselves in scenes of both loneliness and excitement; alone or in festive groups. They stand, sit, drink or sing in unison, – opposite us. Through the characteristic individuals the paintings map human emotions and expressions. The characters are at the same time anonymous and distinctive in their appearance, which creates a dynamic contrast: They all look similar but are still their own persons. They demand our attention when they look directly at us. One is instantly drawn by their presence and a vibrating connection occurs between them and us. 

The artist believes, that the beholder should be the one to interpret the works, but he doesn’t hide the fact that the paintings have a societal dimension. Especially the paintings depicting water are representing the critical political and climatic situation: The oceans are rising both figuratively and literally. The characters react to these unpleasant facts differently by either being in contemplative silence or dissociating themselves in hedonistic drinking.  

Technically Blanc uses coarse strokes, saturated earth tones and clean stylistics. Layer upon layer he builds his oil paintings around emotions of vulnerability, ironi and joy. The backgrounds are simple – allowing the characters to be in focus. Hence the artist lets human identity become the centre of his works. Blanc mixes realism with non-places and creates a completely unique world within his paintings, which is both far from and also directly connected to our own. Christophe Blancs expression is unusually effectful, and you won’t forget the encounter.  

Stud.mag. Nordic language and literature & Visual Culture, Anna Emilie Ravn


"Lights and Shadows", solo exhibition, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
Galerie Art du Temps, Cleon d'andran, group exhibition, FR
Galleri V58, group exhibition, Aarhus, DK
"Comparaisons", Grand Palais Ephémére, group exhibition, Paris, FR

Galleri V58, group exhibition, Aarhus, DK
Galerie Art du Temps, Cleon d’andran, solo exhibition, FR
Affordable Art Fair Hamburg,  represented by Galleri V58
Galerie Sebban, group exhibition, Paris, FR
Artcité, Fontenay sous bois, group exhibition, FR
RDV d'Art, group exhibition, Paris, FR

Wintershow, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK  
Camparaisons, Grand Palais, Paris, FR  
Artcité, Fontenay souis bois, FR  
Luxart Galleri, Arlon, BE  
Galerie Sebban, Paris, FR (SOLO)  
Galeri Art du Temps, FR

NORTH ART FAIR, represented by GALLERI V58 Aarhus, Danmark
Art Herning, Herning, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Danmark  
GALLERI V58, Human landscapes, Aarhus, Danmark (SOLO)  
Galerie Europia, Paris, Frankrig (SOLO)
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, Frankrig
Luxart Galleri, Arlon, BE
Galerie Sebban, Paris, FR  
Galeri Art du Temps, FR

NORTH art fair, Aalborg, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
GALLERI V58, French Connections - Human, group exhibition, Aarhus, Denmark
Det Intense Møde, review in Magasinet Kunst.
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Expo LIBERTÉS, Houdan, France

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Luxart Galerie, group exhibition, Arlon, Belgium
Galerie PasseArt, solo exhibition, Troyes, France
Galerie SoLo Atelier, solo exhibition, Saint-Leu-la-Forêt, France
Galerie Jakez, group exhibition, Pont-Aven, France
Invité d’honneur, Salon de peinture de Grand Quevilly, France

GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Claudine Legrand Gallery, group exhibition, Paris, France
Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Luxart Galerie, solo exhibition, Arlon, Belgium
Galerie Jakez, group exhibition, Pont-Aven, France
Biennale 109, Pontlevoy, France

Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Claudine Legrand Gallery, group exhibition, Paris, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Biennale 109, Paris, France
Rdv d'art, Paris, France
ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France

Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Claudine Legrand Gallery, group exhibition, Paris, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Rdv d'art, Paris, France
Fondation Taylor, grand prix Univers des Arts, Paris, France

Galerie Art du Temps, solo exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Claudine Legrand Gallery, group exhibition, Paris, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Rdv d'art, Paris, France
ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France
Les Hivernales (The Winter), invited by C. Noorbergen, Montreuil, France
L’atelier, solo exhibition

Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France
L'humanité (The Humanity), Palais de Beaulieu, Lausanne, Switzerland
La plume noire, Musée de la Poste, prix Senghor, Paris, France
Puls’art, Le Mans, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
L’atelier, solo exhibition

Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
L’atelier, solo exhibition

Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Claudine Legrand Gallery, group exhibition, Paris, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France
Puls’art, Le Mans, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Figuration Critique, Essen, Germany
L’atelier, solo exhibition

Galerie Art du Temps, solo exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Paris - Damas - regards croisés (Paris - Damascus - viewpoints), National Museum of Damascus, Syria
L’atelier, solo exhibition

Galerie Art du Temps, group exhibition, Cleon d'Andran, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Paris - Damas - regards croisés (Paris - Damascus - viewpoints), Arab World Institute, Paris, France
L’atelier, solo exhibition
Biennale de Conches, Conches-en-Ouche, France
L’usine a Zabu, Dreux, France
Centre d’Art contemporain, Chamalière, France

Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Centre d’Art contemporain, Chamalière, France
Espace FMR, solo exhibition, Paris, France
Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
Art a Sarria (Art in Sarria), Sarria, Spain

Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Centre d’Art contemporain, Chamalière, France
Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
Art a Sarria (Art in Sarria), Sarria, Spain
La Plume Noire, solo exhibition, Paris, France
Galerie Ucellino, Marseille, France

Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
Art a Sarria (Art in Sarria), Sarria, Spain
Fondation Taylor, solo exhibition, Paris, France

ARTCITÉ, Fontenay sous bois, France
Comparaisons nouvelles (New comparisons), Grand Palais, Paris, France
Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
L’homme au cœur de l’art contemporain (The man at the heart of contemporary art), MAIF head office, Niort, France

Figuration Critique, Paris, France
Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
International Biennale of Beijing, China
Guest of the sculptor Denis Monfleur, Fontenay sous bois, France
Château des Logis, Brecey, France

Château des Logis, Brecey, France

CHRISTOPHE BLANC, monograph, Dizart Editions (2013)
Contemporary Expressionism - 200 works of flesh and blood, Lelivredart Editions (2010)
Christophe Blanc, publication on the occasion of Puls'art, Lelivredart Editions (2010)
L’art du Nu (The Art of Nude), Editions Patou (2010, 2008)
Galerie Art du Temps 2006/2010 (2010)
Paris - Damas - regards croisés (Paris - Damascus - viewpoints), Europia Editions (2008)
L’homme au cœur de l’art contemporain (The man at the heart of contemporary art) (2004)
Aralya, No. 35 and No. 36 (2015)
Straw Dogs MAGAZINE (2015)
Vivre l'art magazine, blog (2015)
Artension, No. 98 (2009)
Univers des arts, No. 182 (2015), No. 171 (2013), No. 140 (2009), No. 90 (2005)
Azart, No. 40 (2009)

Prix Lelivredart, Puls’art, Le Mans, France (2010)
Prix Artension, Artcité, Fontenay sous bois, France (2009)
Prix Boesner, Figuration Critique, Paris, France (2009)
Prix Marin, Salon d’Automne, Paris, France, (2006)
Prix de la recherche plastique, Paul Ackerman, Paris, France (2002)
Prix du Conseil Général de la Manche, Brecey, France (2002)

‘Le belvédère I’, (The view l), olie på lærred, 97 x 146, 2024, 42.000,

‘Une visite à la cave’ (A visit to the cellar), olie på lærred, 100 x 100, 2024, 26.000,

‘Ataraxie XXX’, olie på lærred, 120 x 95, 31.000,

‘Avec grande attention II’ (With great attention II), olie på lærred, 61 x 100, 2021, 21.000,

‘Sur la bordure II’ (On the edge II), olie på lærred, 130 x 81, 2022, 29.000,

‘Encore Un pour se consoler’ (One more to console), olie på lærred, 38 x 55, 2019, SOLGT

‘Une goulée d’air II’ (A gulp of air II), olie på lærred, 61 x 46, 2024, SOLGT

‘Un bon petit cru V’ (A good little vintage), olie på lærred, 50 x 50, 2024, SOLGT

‘Le quatuor’ (The quartet), olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2024, 21.000,

‘Le happening’, (the happening), olie på lærred, 89 x 146, 2021, 38.000,

‘Petite pause’ (A small break), olie på lærred, 33 x 24, 2024, SOLGT

‘Sur le banc VIII’ (On the bench VIII), olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2024, 21.000,

‘Harmonie IV’, olie på lærred, 46 x 55, 2022, 9.500,

‘Ataraxie XXIII’, olie på lærred, 116 x 89, 2022, 27.000,

‘Sur les planches II’ (On Stage II), olie på lærred, 81 x 65, 2024, 18.000,

‘Vous en prendrez bien un p’tit’ (You’ll take a little one), olie på lærred, 120 x 120, 2024, 39.000,

‘Le belvédère II’, (The view) ll), olie på lærred, 48 x 73, 2024, 14.000,

‘Une belle harmonie’ (A beautifull harmony) olie på lærred, 25 x 25, 2024, 4.500,

‘Un petit toast en plus’ (A litle extra toast), olie på lærred, 19 x 24, 2022, SOLGT

‘Un moment tranquil’ (A quiet moment), olie på lærred, 81 x 81, 2017, 21.000,

‘Trogne I’, olie på lærred, 27 x 22, 2019, 4.000,

‘Sur la bordure VII’ (På kanten)’, olie på lærred, 97 x 162, 2023, SOLGT

‘Le partage des eaux’, Olie på lærred, 130 x 130, 2023, 42.000,

‘De quoi tenir !’, Olie på lærred, 97 x 146, 2023, 42.000,

‘Sur la bordure Vl’ (På kanten V), olie på lærred, 76 X 119, 2022, SOLGT

‘A chacun son canon’, olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2022, SOLGT

‘Boit sans soif III’ ( Drik uden tørst lll), olie på lærred, 2022, 130 x 130, SOLGT

‘Sur le banc IX’ (På bænken lX), olie på lærred, 114 x 146, 2022, SOLGT

‘Sur la bordure V’ (På kanten V’, olie på lærred, 76 x 119, 2022, SOLGT

‘Un nouveau cru IV’ (En ny årgang lV), olie på lærred, 2022, 100 x 100, SOLGT

‘Les compères V’ (Venner V), olie på lærred, 97 x 146, 2022, SOLGT

‘Bouquet final’ (‘Final bouquet’), olie på lærred, 46 x 61, 2021, 11.500,-

‘Lagon bleu’ (‘Blue lagoon’), olie på lærred, 81 x 100, 2022, SOLGT

‘Bateau ivre III’ (Drunken boat lll), olie på lærred, 130 x 130, 2021, SOLGT

‘Ataraxie XXIV’, olie på lærred, 120 x 120, 2022, SOLGT

‘Boit sans soif II’, (‘Drink without thirst’), olie på lærred, 130 x 130, 2021, SOLGT

‘Ensemble’ (‘Together’), olie på lærred, 60 x 125, 2021, SOLGT

‘Harmonie’ (‘Harmony’), olie på lærred, 50 x 65, 2022, SOLGT

‘La tête dans les étoiles’ (‘Head of the stars’), olie på lærred, 73 x 60, 2021, 16.500,-

‘UT’, olie på lærred, 25 x 19, 2019, 3.500,-

‘Un nouveau cru II’ (‘A new vintage ll’), olie på lærred, 73 x 73, 2022, SOLGT

‘Les eaux noires’ (‘Black waters’), olie på lærred, 81 x 100, 2022, 24.000,-

‘Les aminches III, olie på lærred, 100 x 100, 2017, SOLGT

‘Comme un fil tendu a trevers la brume Vll’, (Ligesom en tråd trukket gennem tågen), Olie på lærred, 40×40, 2018, SOLGT

‘Chæur lisière lll’, Olie på lærred, 40 x 80, 2017, SOLGT

‘As a tense thread through the mist V’, olie på lærred, 116 x 89, 2018, SOLGT

‘Ataraxie VI’, olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2017 SOLGT

‘Petite confrèrie III’ (‘Small brotherhood’), olie på lærred, 60 x 73, 2021, SOLGT

‘Sur le fil’ (‘At the passing water’), olie på lærred, 60 x 73, 2021, 17.500,-

‘Petite pause’ (‘Small break’), olie på lærred, 60 x 73, 2021, SOLGT

‘Que n’allaient -ils faire, (What will they do’), olie på lærred, 80 x 92, 2021, SOLGT

‘Un nouveau cru IlI’ (‘A new vintage ll’), olie på lærred, 100 x 100, 2022, SOLGT

‘Trogne II’ (‘Face ll’), olie på lærred, 24 x 19, 2021, 4.000,-

‘Ataraxie VIII’, olie på lærred, 130 x 97, 2018, SOLGT

‘Boit sans soif’ (drink without thirst), olie på lærred,130 x 130, 2020, SOLGT

‘Trouée II’ (Clearing II’, olie på lærred, 89 x 116, 2021, SOLGT

‘Ataraxie XX’ (Ataraxia XX), olie på lærred, 100 x 81, 2021, SOLGT

‘Contrepoint VII’ (Conterpoint VII), olie på lærr,ed, 38 x 55, 2016, SOLGT

‘Bateau ivre II’, (Drunken Boat ll), olie på lærred, 114 x 146, 2021, SOLGT

‘Parfois’ (‘Occasionally’), olie på lærred, 24 x 19, 2021, SOLGT

‘L’équilibriste’ (‘The balancing act’), olie på lærred’ 19 x 24, 2021, SOLGT

‘Jusque la tout va bien III’, (So far so good), olie på lærred, 73 x 60, SOLGT

‘Sur le banc VIII’ (On the bench VIII), olie på lærred, 114 x 146, 2021, SOLGT

‘Sous les brumes’ (Under the mists), olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2020, 19.500,-

‘Garder le cap´ (Stay the course), olie på lærred, 65 x 65, 2020, 16.500,-

‘Chaleur humaine’ lIl (Humane touch III), olie på lærred, 46 x 65, 2021, 12.000,-

‘Bateau ivre’ (Drunken Boat), olie på lærred, 100 x 100, 26.000,-

‘Petite confrèrie’ (Little brotherhood), olie på lærred, 65 x 65, 2021, SOLGT

‘Reflets’ (Reflects), olie op lærred, 100 x 73, 2017, SOLGT

‘Un bon moment III’ (A good time III’, olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2016, SOLGT

‘A la bonne vôtre ll (A cheers II), olie på lærred, 97 x 162, 2014, SOLGT

‘Traverser encore et encore’, (Crossing again), olie på lærred, 80 x 65, 2021, 18.000,-

‘The new vintage’, olie på lærred, 89 x 116, 2020, SOLGT

‘L’estuaire’ (The estuary), olie på lærred, 35 x 60, 2021, SOLGT

‘Suspension I’, olie på lærred, 65 x 50, 2021, 11.500,-

‘L’abîme’, olie på lærred, 60 x 50, 2021, 12.000,-

‘Bienvenue II’ (Wellcome ll), olie på lærred, 89 x 116, 2020, SOLGT

‘Le comité d’accueil II’ (Welcome committee ll’, olie på lærred, 50 x 65, 2020, SOLGT

‘Tous ces bons moments’ (All those good times), olie på lærred, 100 x 100, 2020, SOLGT

‘Aparté II’, olie på lærred, 81 x 60, 2019, SOLGT

‘La corde II’ (The Rope 11′, olie på lærred, 50 x 100, 2020, SOLGT

‘Traversée’ (To the other side’, olie på lærred, 40 x 54, 2021, 8.000,-

‘Sur le banc IV’, (On the bench lV), olie på lærred, 65 x 81, 2019, SOLGT

‘De tout chœur’ (Koret), olie på lærred, 65 x 80, 2020, SOLGT

‘Et maintenant’ (So now), olie på lærred, 92 x 73, 2020, SOLGT

‘Jusque là tout va bien lll’ (‘Until here, everything is fine llI’), 73 x 92, 2019, SOLGT

‘Libations IV’, olie på lærred, 73 x 100, 2019, SOLGT

‘As a tense thread through the mist IV’, olie på lærred, 100 x 73, 2017, 22.000,-

‘Libations III’, olie på lærred, 89 x 116, 2019, SOLGT

‘Sur le banc ll’ (‘On the bench II’), olie på lærred, 65 x 81, 2019, SOLGT

‘Esquif l’ (Skiff I), olie på lærred, 65 x 50, 2019, d,kr. 12.500,-

‘Jusque là tout va bien l’ (‘Until here, everything is fine I’), 100 x 100, 2019, SOLGT

‘Les bons amis Vl’ (‘The good friends VI’), olie på lærred, 65 x 81, 2019, SOLGT

‘Rêves de rives’ (Dreams of shores III’, olie på lærred, 73 x 100, 2019, SOLGT

‘De tout leur coeurs’ (‘From all their hearts’), olie på lærred, 46 x 61, 2019, SOLGT

‘Sur le banc’ (On the Bench), olie på lærred, 55 x 55, 2019, SOLGT

‘Un moment à soi’ (‘A moment to oneself’), 92 x 73, 2019, 19.500,-

‘Dérive des rêves l’ (‘Drifting dreams I’), olie på lærred, 77 x 77, 2018, SOLGT

‘La fin de soirée (‘The end of the night’), olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2019, SOLGT

‘Étreindre Vl’ (‘Embrace VI’), olie på lærred, 55 x 46, 2018, SOLGT

‘Choeur pénombre Vll’ (‘Twilight choir VII’), olie på lærred, 35 x 46, 2018, SOLGT

‘Jusque là tout va bien ll’ (‘Until here, everything is fine Il’), olie på lærred, 81 x 100, 2019, SOLGT

‘Esquif III’, olie på lærred, 54 x 65, 2019, SOLGT

‘La belle equipe’ (The great team), olie på lærred, 100 x 100, 2018, SOLGT

‘Sulfure’, olie på lærred, 46 x 46, 2019, SOLGT

‘Avec attention II’ (Carefully ll), olie på lærred, 40 x 80, 2019, SOLGT

‘Uden titel, olie på lærred, 22 x 16, 2019, SOLGT

‘Uden titel, olie på lærred, 22 x 16, 2019, SOLGT

‘Et pourtant il flotte ( And yet he floats), Olie på lærred, 35 x 50, 2019, SOLGT

‘Deürive des reéves’ (Drifting dreams lll), Olie på lærred, 73 x 92, 2018, SOLGT

‘Petit chœur gris II’, (little grey choir II), Oli på lærred, 24 x 41, 2018, SOLGT

‘Froide est encore la nuit’ (Still the night is cold), Olie på lærred, 100 x 81, 2018, SOLGT

‘Ataraxie XI’, Olie på lærred, 61 x 50, 2018, SOLGT

‘C’est ma tourneüe’ (It’s on me), Olie på lærred, 38 x 55, 2018, SOLGT

‘La belle eüquipe II (The great team ll)’, Olie på lærred, 80 x 80, 2018, SOLGT

‘L´entracte lll'(Pause), Olie på lærred, 130 x 98, 2016, SOLGT

‘Respiration’, (Åndedræt), Olie på lærred, 100 x 73, 2017, SOLGT.

Uden titel, Olie på lærred, 22 x 16, 2018, SOLGT

‘Errance’, (Vandring), Olie på lærred, 30×45, 2018, SOLGT