Alexei Svetlov (SE)
Born 1964
Alexei Svetlov (born in St. Petersburg) started his art education already as a 5-year old, when he was accepted to the renowned Art School ‘The Children Art Studio’ under the patronage of Hermitage Museum. Later he studied at the Art Academy ‘Imperial Academy of Art’, also in St. Petersburg. Nowadays, the artist resides in Skåne, Sweden.
Alexei Svetlov is deaf, but this has not been a handicap for his art. On the contrary, his art has developed in quaint directions, which makes the experience of his works quite unique. Through his works Alexei Svetlov invites viewers into a surreal, futuristic and imaginary world, where huge apartment buildings, trams, and railways are with ease suspended on thin wires. It is a strange world; a world where irrational situations play out in places that allow for a certain degree of familiarity, but also in places where this familiarity is challenged with humour.
The colours he uses are at the same time both sharp and mild, defined and faded. In general, Alexei Svetlov’s wonderful imaginative works present a play on contrasts and perspectives, all while showcasing his vivid sense for detail.
Alexei is especially fond of painting buildings from Aarhus. After visiting the city, he started to paint selected houses and apartments from the streets of Aarhus – among other things; Brocafeen, Aahuset and Holberghus. The artist finds beauty in the city’s houses, selects which to paint and lets them float above the concrete from blimps, get lifted by trees or in other ways enter into new, surreal and peculiar connections.

Show CV
Art Academy “The Children’s Art Studio”, Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Political Technical School, Professional Decorator, Pavlovsk-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia. At the same time he also studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts under the renowned artist E. Moiseenko.
Took part in multiple workshops, courses and other activities relating to art under the tutelage of an art pedagogue V.I.Suvorov, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Transformation, soloudstilling, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
The Art Fair Kunst for Alle, repræsenteret af Galleri V58, København, DK
Solo exhibition, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
"Summershow 2022", Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
"Pop Up Skagen 2022", Galleri V58, Skagen, DK
"Wintershow 2021-2022", Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
"Summershow 2021", Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
Wintershow, GALLERI V58, DK
Solo: GALLERI V58, Aarhus, DK
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, DK
Galleri Ramfjord, solo exhibition, Oslo, NO
Galleri Knud Grothe, solo exhibition, Charlottenlund, DK
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, DK
GALLERI V58 pop up, Skagen, DK
GALLERI V58, solo exhibition ‘FLYING AARHUS II’, Aarhus, DK
Galleri Grünewaldvillan, solo exhibition, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm län, Sweden
Galleri Knud Grothe, Humorisme 2017, Charlottenlund, DK
Galleri Knud Grothe, Fantastiske figurationer, Charlottenlund, DK
Galleri ARTEGRAFICA, solo exhibition, Helsinki, Finland
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, DK
Galleri Jäger & Jansson, solo exhibition, Lund, Sweden
Galleri Artegrafica, solo exhibition, Helsinki, Finland
Galleri Knud Grothe, solo exhibition, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Ringkøbing Skjern Kommune, solo exhibition, Ringkøbing, Denmark
Kunstgalleriet Odense, mixed-exhibition, Odense, Denmark
Art Copenhagen, Bella Center Copenhagen, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Affordable Art Fair Stockholm, Nacka Strandsmässon, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Backlund, winter exhibition, Göteborg, Sweden
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Falsterbo Konsthall, solo exhibition, Falsterbo, Sweden
GALLERI V58, solo exhibition ‘Flying Aarhus’, Aarhus, Denmark
Galleri Ramfjord, solo exhibition, Oslo, Norway
Art Copenhagen, Forum Copenhagen, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Affordable Art Fair Stockholm, Magasin 9/Frihamnen, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Knud Grothe, summer exhibition, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Humorisme 2015, Galleri Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund, Denmark
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Galleri Hindhede, solo exhibition, Middelfart, Denmark
Galleri Ramfjord, solo exhibition, Oslo, Norway
Galleri Artegrafica, solo exhibition, Helsinki, Finland
ART Herning, represented by GALLERI V58, Denmark
Galleri Oxholm, solo exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark
Det Bruunske Parkhus, solo exhibition, Fredericia, Denmark
Galleri Shakespeare, solo exhibition, Salzburg, Austria
Art Copenhagen, Forum Copenhagen, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
REmantis- Århundredets Festival, GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Kunstgalleriet Odense, summer exhibition, Odense, Denmark
Nordic Culture Festival of the Deaf, Turku/Åbo, Finland
Galleri Knud Grothe, summer exhibition, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Humorisme 2014, Galleri Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund, Denmark
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Galleri Bolchefabrikken, solo exhibition, Vejle, Denmark
My Unexplained Green World, solo exhibition, GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Byen Drømmer (The City Dreams), solo exhibition, GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Art Copenhagen, Forum Copenhagen, represented by GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Humor i kunsten (Humour in Art), group exhibition, Galleri Jäger & Jansson, Lund, Sweden
Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia
Kunstgalleriet, Odense, Denmark
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Himmelske Aarhus – set med Alexeis øjne (Heavenly Aarhus – seen with Alexei’s eyes), solo exhibition, GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Prelude to the 5th birthday, group exhibition, GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
GALLERI V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Galleri Grünewaldvillan, solo exhibition, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm län, Sweden
Galleri Diana, solo exhibition, Uppsala, Sweden
Galleri Ramfjord,13 year anniversary exhibition, Oslo, Norway
Galleri Tom Franke, group exhibition, Næstved, Denmark
Galleri Bolchefabrikken, solo exhibition, Vejle, Denmark
Scandinavian Fusion, Galleri Contour, Ålbæk, Denmark
Christmas exhibition, Galleri Bolchefabrikken, Vejle, Denmark
Galleri Clifford, solo exhibition, Daugaard, Denmark
Kunstbrænderiet, solo exhibition, Vejle, Denmark
Deaf Arts Now – 4, The European Cultural Festival, Stockholm, Sweden
Riksteatern, solo exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden
Marginal Reklamebureau A/A, solo exhibition, Vejle, Denmark
Vårsalong, Väsby Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
Folkets Hus, solo exhibition, Malmö, Sweden
Døves Kulturdage, Castberggård, Urlev/Hedensted, Denmark
De Døves Kirke, solo exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark
Galleri Kyrkskolan, solo exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden
Traninart – 2003, 9th Competition Show, Trani/Bari, Italy
Galleri Bolchefabrikken, solo exhibition, Vejle, Denmark
DEAF WAY II, group exhibition, Washington, USA
Galleri-Cafe Mu-Mu, solo exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia
Deaf Arts Now – 2, The European Cultural Festival, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Shakespeare, solo exhibition, Salzburg, Austria
Galleri Artegrafica, solo exhibition, Helsinki, Finland
ARBOS, European and International theater festival, Vienna, Austria
Watch portrait of Alexei Svetlov here.