Adel Dauood (SY)

Born 1980

“My paintings are for me a kind of rebellious reaction to all the fights that is going on all around the world. They are also an inner monolog about my despair towards this. My paintings invites the viewer to a dialog about my memories, full of color and unrest from my war tormented home country, Syria.”  Adel Dauood

The artist Adel Dauood is born in 1980 in Al-Hasakah, Syria, where he resides until 2014 and then moves to Wienna, Austria, which is his home today. Yet Adel’s troubled past in Syria is still reflected in his dramatic paintings, which has obtained international recognition and is exhibited at among other things The British Museum and George Berges Gallery, New York. Adel is educated in Fine Arts from both Damaskus and Al-Hasakah. This becomes clear when looking at his superior technique.

The artist works mainly in two formats; oil and acrylic on canvas and ink or coal on paper – two immediately different expressions, which represents Adel’s broad range of talents. The oil/acrylic paintings are often in great formats with an abundance of vivid colors and impressions, while the paper drawings are smaller and appear with simpler motifs in muted colors. The stroke is the same but in two different styles.

Adels works are both abstract, surreal and entirely concrete; creatures, humans and fragments are hiding in the lines for the beholder to interpret. To Adel, the message in his works should not be clearly defined but something subjective, which occurs between the beholder and the art. The many colors and motifs, especially in the paintings, makes is possible to get lost in the art and experience it again and again. The characteristic, fragile strokes wake the paintings energy; layer upon layer of vibrating scenes supported by vivid, nuanced backgrounds.

Adel draws inspiration to his art from all over the world, but he possesses a drama and severity clearly referencing his life in the war tormented Syria. Each picture tells a story about turbulence and peace, life and death in a completely unique fashion: Adel Dauood’s art is exceptional, and Gallery V58 is proud to represent him.

Stud.mag. Nordic language and literature & Visual Culture, Anna Emilie Ravn

2002: Uddannet på ’The Fine Arts Center’ i Al-Hasakah, Syrien
2011: Fine Arts Graduate, Damascus, Syria

"The Way of Life", Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK

"CHAOS", Gallery Artemons Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
"Unspoken Memories", Gallery Chase Contemporary, New York
"Blind Wind", DOK Niederösterreich. Documentation Pölte, Austria

"The Flood", Greith haus Kultur in Graz, Austria

Gallery V58, Aarhus, Denmark
Linzer kunst salon, represented by Gallery Artemons Contemporary, Linz, Austria
Gallery Artemons Contemporary, Linz, Austria

"The Last Supper", Gallery Artemons Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
Kalimat Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey

Hinterland Gallery, Vienna, Austria

Hinterland Gallery, Vienna, Austria

Kaire Visions Gallery, Amman, Jordan
Art Haws Gallery, Damascus, Syria


Affordable Art Fair Hamburg, represented by GALLERI V58, DK

"Wintershow 22-23” GALLERI V58, DK
Affordable Art Fair Hamburg, represented by GALLERI V58, DK
ART & ANTIQUE VIENNA art fair, represented by Artecont Gallery, Vienna
ART FAIR, Kunst for alle, represented by GALLERI V58, København, DK
"Summershow", GALLERI V58, DK

Egypt INT'L Art Fair, Cairo
Gallery V58, Aarhus, DK
Art at the PARK, represented by Artecont Gallery, Wien, Austria
Art fair Hamburg, represented by Galleri V58

Gallery V58, Aarhus, DK
Landesgalerie Museum (Spuren und Masken der Flucht) - Krems, Austria
Group exhibition at George Bergès Gallery, New York
Art fair (Kunst for alle) Copenhagen, represented by Gallery V58, DK

British Museum (Pushing paper Contemporary drawing from 1970 to now), London, England
Group exhibition at George Bergès Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Art fair Hamburg - represented by Gallery V58, Hamborg, Germany
North Art Fair 2019 - represented by Gallery V58, Denmark
(SUMMER GROUP SHOW) George Bergès Gallery, New York
Art Bodensee - represented by Galerie galerie, Graz / Hinterland gallery, Vienna, Austria
Art Herning - represented by Gallery V58, Denmark

Art fair Hamburg - by Gallery V58, Germany
Carthage Festival of contemporary Art - represented by Kaleemat Gallery, Tunis
Art Fair Aalborg - represented by Gallery V58, Denmark
The fair for art , antiques - represented by Gallery Artemons Contemporary - Vienna, Austria
Art fair Armenia - represented by Litehouse gallery in London, Armenia
Vigour - Den gallery, Kuwait
Art Innsbruck - represented by 9900 gallery - Innsbruck, Austria

Beirut Art Fair - represented by Samer Kozah gallery, Lebanon
Parallel Vienna - represented by Gallery Artemons Contemporary, Austria
The Power of Flowers, Plants in Art-Gallery Artemons Contemporary, Austria
Gallery 9900 in Lienz, Austria
Art fair - represented by Gallery V58, Aalborg, Denmark
Art fair - represented by Samer Kozah gallery, Bahrain

Gallery V58 - Aarhus, Denmark
The fair for art , antiques - represented by Gallery Artemons Contemporary - Vienna, Austria
Parallel Vienna - represented by Hinterland Gallery, Austria
(Anywhere & Here) in Landsgalerie - Burgenland, Austria
Borders - Gallery Artemons Contemporary- Linz, Austria.
Restrictions of the Earth- Hinterland Gallery - Vienna, Austria
Supermarket Independent Art Fair represented by Hinterland Gallery - Stockholm, Sweden
Gallery Artemons Contemporary, Linz, Austria
Restrictions of the Earth - Karsi Sanat Istanbul, Turkey

EDUCULT Gallery Museumsquarter - Vienna, Austria
BEIN KURDISH - Hinterland Gallery - Vienna, Austria
Parallel Vienna 2015 - represented by Hinterland Gallery, Austria
Red - VHS Vienna, Austria
Syrian Art in Hard Times - Beirut, Lebanon.
Artwalk - Lower, Austria
Art against violence - Gallery Klein, Vienna, Austria
Miniaturen - Art3 Gallery, Austria
Amed – Turkey
Artisis Syrians - Bordeaux, France

Future Painting - Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria
Ros - Kärnten, Austria
Year Exhibition - Gallery Klein, Vienna, Austria
Works on Paper - Gallery Klein, Vienna, Austria
Gallery Klein, Vienna, Austria

Kaire Visions Gallery - Dead Sea, Jordan
Sunflower Theatre - Beirut, Lebanon

Miniaturen - Mustafa Ali Gallery, Damascus, Syria

Paintings From The Middle - Hall Konsthaln, Sweden
Competition Passion PRO - Galerie Kamel - Damascus, Syria
In The Middle of The Road - National Library – Damascus, Syria
Hotel Dedemain - Damaseus, Syria

Grass and Mud - Gallery New Art - Hasake, Syria
In The Middle Studio - Damascus, Syria

Gallery Ybla - Aleppo, Syria

Museum Taha Taha - Arraqqa, Syria

Collections - Hasake, Syria


Vienna Museum, ”Two seconds before death”, Austria
STRABAG Kunstforum Vienna, Austia

Museum Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria

The British Museum
Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah Art Museum, UAE

‘From the serie of the Last supper’, Akryl på lærred, 150 x 250, 2023, SOLGT

‘From the serie of the Last supper’, akryl på lærred, 150 x 150, 2023, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 150 x 300, 2018, SOLGT

‘From the series Blind Winds’, akryl på lærred 150 x 300, 2022, 108.000,-

Spring woman’, akryl på lærred, 100 x 80, 2020, SOLGT

‘Portrait 5’, akryl på lærred, 130 x 85, 2012, SOLGT

‘From the series Touhing’, akryl på lærred, 161 x 152, 2021, 72.000,-

‘Dialogue’, akryl på lærred, 140 x 120, 2020, SOLGT

‘Lovers’, akryl på lærred, 150 x 140, 2022, SOLGT

‘Shy’,akryl på lærred, 130 x 120, 2021, SOLGT

From the series The Last Supper’, akryl på lærred, 150 x 180, 2018, SOLGT

‘Migration’, akryl på lærred 150 x 300, 2022, 108.000,-

‘Lonely’, akryl på lærred, 140 x 200, 2021, 75.000,-

‘Meditation’, akryl på lærred, 140 x 120, 2021, SOLGT

‘Isolation’, akryl på lærred, 120 x 80, 2021, SOLGT

4 – Mixed medie på papir, 25 x 25 (15 x 15), 2015, indrammet, SOLGT

2 – Mixed medie på papir, 25 x 25 (15 x 15), 2015, indrammet, SOLGT

10-Mixed medie på papir, 30 x 30 (20 x 20), 2015, indrammet SOLGT

20-.Mixed medie på papir, 30 x 30 (20 x 20), 2015, indrammet SOLGT

6-Mixed medie på papir, 30 x 30 (20 x 20), 2015, indrammet SOLGT

18 -Mixed medie på papir, 25 x 25 (15 x 15), 2015, indrammet, SOLGT

11-Mixed medie på papir, 30 x 30 (20 x 20), 2016, indrammet 5,000,-

7-Mixed medie på papir, 30 x 30 (20 x 20), 2016, indrammet SOLGT

14- Mixed medie på papir, 25 x 25 (15 x 15), 2016, indrammet, SOLGT

19-.Mixed medie på papir, 25 x 25 (15 x 15), 2015, indrammet, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, akryl på lærred, 150 x 140, 2020, SOLGT

‘Last Supper’, akryl på lærred, 100 x 80, 2021, 31.000,-

‘Portrait 4’, akryl på lærred, 120 x 80, 2021, 33.000,-

‘Portrait 2’, akryl på lærred, 100 x 80, 2020, 31.000,-

‘Portrait 3’, akryl på lærred, 100 x 80, 2021, SOLGT

‘Portrait 1’, akryl på lærred, 100 x 80, 2020, 31.000,-

‘Die. Migranten’ , akryl på lærred, 160 x 200, 2020, 84.000,-

Uden titel, akryl på lærred, 80 x 70, 2020, SOLGT (26)

Uden titel, akryl på lærred, 70 x 70, 2020, SOLGT

‘Der Schwarze Winde’ , Akryl på lærred, 150 x 200, 2020, SOLGT (20)

‘Series The Flood’ , akryl på lærred, 150 x 150, 2020, (22) SOLGT

Uden titel, akryl på lærred, 150 x 170, 2020, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 150 x 200, 2018, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’ , Akryl på lærred, 120 x 120, 2019, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 120 x 110, 2019, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Olie på lærred, 140 x 140, 2014 SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 150 x 160, 2019, 72.000,- (9)

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 73 x 65´, 2019 (24) 24.000,-

Uden titel, olie på lærred, 120 x 140, 2016, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 120 x 120, 2018, 52.000,-

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred,110 x 100, 2018, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 90 x 75, 2018, 28.000,-

Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 120 x 80, 2018, 32.000,- (23)

‘Uden titel’, Akryl på lærred, 120 x 120, 2018, SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Ink på papir, 36,5 x 36,5 (30 x 30), 2017 SOLGT

‘Uden titel’, Ink på papir, 36,5 x 36,5 (30 x 30), 2018, 8.000,-

‘Uden titel’, Ink på papir, 36,5 x 36,5 (30 x 30), 2019, 8.000,-

‘Uden titel’, Ink på papir, 36,5 x 36,5 (30 x 30), 2019, 8.000,-

‘Uden titel’, Ink på papir, 38 x 38 (20 x 20), 2017, SOLGT